Lifetime's original show "Cheerleader Nation" was a top hit in the cheerleading world. Following the personal and cheering lives of selected national champions Dunbar cheerleaders. But what happen to them once the show ended? Well lets take a look :)
The freshman - Amanda Jones.
The only freshman on the world famous high school cheerleading team is still cheering at Tennessee University
Coach's daughter - Ryan Martin
Known for being the daughter of the coach Ryan really had to prove that she was put on the squad for her hard work and skill - not her mom. Since then Ryan is now a cheerleader at the University of Alabama. She also has her own web series "Ryan's Reality" on Youtube - username insidecheer
Ryan with her present (2011) boyfriend, Frank Mullens
And how is Mama Coach Donna doing? She is alive and well as she cheers on her daughter in the stands.
The sisters - Megan and Alexa Baird
The once Dunbar Varsity Cheerleaders have now moved on, both of them attending University of Kentucky and forming a stronger family bond. The two have also welcomed in a new family member - little brother Greyson. Neither of the sisters have continued their cheerleading.
Alexa is now living in Haiti (Source her Facebook Page)
The princess - Chelsea Norsworthy
The little flyer with a big personality is still living in Kentucky with her boyfriend and new baby daughter, Callie.
Chelsea's daughter Callie, sitting with Santa (2010) - Source her Twitter page
The honor student - Ayrica Everheart
Not much was found of Ayrica but a source (her twitter page) saying she is now living in Louiville. Ayrica no longer cheers.
The captain - Kaitlin Roberts
Kaitlin attended University of Kentucky. She no longer cheers.
Who was your favorite? Why?
ReplyDeleteAytica was my favorite because she reminded me of me!!!
DeleteAurica, she was so focused and much more mature (to me)
DeleteMegan was my favorite because she was so earnest and sweet. I loved Cheerleader Nation and each of the girls were interesting, entertaining and honest. The show really took me back to my own high school days. Although I love how athletic cheering has become rather than girls just being there to cheer on the boys.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that all of them were equal. I will give credit to Coach Donna for keeping it all equal and not placing her daughter out in front. No special treatment for Ryan.It was probably harder on Ryan and the other girls.Saleem was great. I hope they are still around when my grand daughters get ready.Ms Donna we could use you in few of our high schools here in Katy, Texas lol.My little grand daughters love this good clean reality show and cant wait to be cheerleaders in school. They are 6 &4, getting themselves ready.Thank God we are able to record these shows. We have them all.Thanks to all of you
ReplyDeleteYes, I was Jr. High Coach with daughter's that made the team. We had to make sure that we got out of town judges, and I had to wait for the scores to be tallied up. The only thing I didn't do was wait for the girl's names to be posted to find out. It was Torture but it was my own doing because I did not want anyone to think my girls made it just because they were the coaches daughters. And then of course I had to be extremely rough on them benching them a couple of times for things I probably wouldn't have benched the other girls 4. I loved it, but got burned out after a few years.
DeleteI would have to say Alexa and Ryan were my favorites. All the girls were amazing at stunning. Love the show!
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my favorite person from the show was Rick Napier, the coach for New Rochelle. But he kind of has to be my favorite since he's my dad. lol.
ReplyDeleteAmanda! I love amanda❤️
ReplyDeleteAmanda! I love amanda❤️
ReplyDeleteI love megan and kaitlin
ReplyDeleteMegan and Kaitlin!!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was so funny that the one girl was in high school and wondering when she was going to get a cell phone! Those flip phones, though! Loved all the girls. Each one had their own endearing qualities. I loved the Senior who never had cheered before. Her smile! Adorable. Lol